“The two central characters Billy Hall, (Aquino), and Michael Jamal Williams, (Green), are so convincing and entertaining. James Joseph Aquino gives a no-nonsense, businesslike performance and navigates the dense material with the utmost naturalism.”
Mitch Montgomery – Backstage
“James Joseph Aquino as Billy is wholly convincing as a compassionate man of the people, oozing sincerity and walking upright with integrity. His charming way even makes an extramarital affair seem like it’s being done with the utmost consideration for his wife.”
Christine Melton –
“The interaction between James Joseph Aquino (Hall) and Michael Green (Williams) throughout the play is mesmerizing…”
Zerlina Maxell – &
“…the actors, James Joseph Aquino (Billy Hall) and Michael Green (Michael Jamal Williams) do a moving job of delivering their roles with a dedication and passion that will engulf you in the storyline.”
Linda Armstrong – Amsterdam News