"James Joseph Aquino is an excellent craftsman and has been instrumental in developing several new play scripts with Abingdon Theatre Company. Dependable, intelligent and talented, he is always on my first list of prospective actors when playwrights ask for our recommendations. I highly recommend actor James Joseph Aquino!”

                                                        -Jan Buttram, Abingdon Theatre, artistic director

"Over the years I have cast James Joseph in theatre projects as well as commercial ones. He is a skilled and gifted actor and always delivers a top-notch performance. He is also a nice guy, a team player, hard worker and a dedicated artist. He is always among the first names on my wish list."

                                                            -Carol Hanzel, casting director

“James Joseph is a wonderful actor with strong sensibilities and a remarkable brand of humility - he never takes anything or anyone for granted.  He possesses willingness and a sensitivity that allows him to work truthfully when interpreting a role. It’s a privilege and a joy to be on stage with him.” 

                                                            -Terri Eoff, actress                                                                                                                                                                                        “I had the pleasure of working with James Joseph Aquino on “Redirecting Eddie.”  He is talented, loyal, hardworking and an absolute joy to have on set.  Amongst all of the daily on-set chaos, James Joseph was always one of those people I knew I could count on, to not only show up and perform but to put a smile on everyone’s face.  I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with him."

                                                             -Laurence N. Kaldor, producer/director

"If you're looking for a rare presence, an easy temperament, an actor who uses a skillful and insightful approach to his craft - then you're looking for James Joseph Aquino."  

                                                             -Anthony Inneo, playwright/director

“James Joseph Aquino is a capable actor I would work with over and over again. I directed him in the play "Easy Money" and he was recently featured in my play "Augusta Brown." His awesome skills, professional manner and warm spirit are always a joy to have as part of the company. I highly recommend Mr. Aquino...” 

                                                             -Jerome Preston Bates, actor/director/writer

“I had the opportunity to direct James Joseph Aquino in a production of my own work, "The Eleventh Commandment." He brings searching questions for character development and considers different points of view in telling the story. He takes direction eagerly and is willing to take necessary risks. His performance is always fresh and very present."

                                                             -Terrence Walsh, writer/director

“I had the privilege to play opposite James Joseph Aquino in the dramatic play, "Evaluating Woody." I enjoyed exploring the creative process with him in rehearsal as well as during each performance. He attacked his role with all the enthusiasm and professionalism that one could hope for in an actor. He brought his “A” game to every performance and was a true joy to work with.”

                                                            -Joyce Storey, actress/writer/producer

Creepy is how I would describe James Joseph Aquino’s portrayal of the rapist, Bill Christian, in the play "Do You Mind If I Join You." He made my skin crawl, as great villains do. Fortunately, he had been double-cast. James Joseph starts the production as a hot, energetic cop who plays as hard as he works and people love him. Within a brief time span, he had transformed himself  – posture, voice, and aura – from an uplifting people magnet into a sneaky, dark molester. To his testament, audience members did not even realize the same person played these two, very different roles in such a short span of time. He was nominated for a Best Actor Spotlight On Off- Broadway award for his work in this production.”

                                                             -Cinti Laird, writer/director

“When we were casting a national campaign for the FDIC, we needed an actor with range, focus and infinite empathy. When James Joseph walked in the room we knew we had our guy. A total pro with warm expressive eyes and great physical dexterity and skill, James Joseph gave us everything we were looking for and was able to turn on a dime when I needed it. People love that commercial and its success is a credit to his rich, engaging performance.”

                                                              -Todd Heyman, writer/director